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Web Devloper

A  web developer  is a  programmer  who specializes in, or is specifically engaged in, the development of  World Wide Web  applications using a  client–server model . The applications typically use  HTML ,  CSS  and  JavaScript  in the client,  PHP ,  ASP.NET  ( C# ) or  Java  in the server, and  http  for communications between client and server. A  web content management system  is often used to develop and maintain web applications. Contents 1 Nature of employment 2 Type of work performed 3 Educational and licensure requirements 4 See also 5 References 6 External links Nature of employment [ edit ] Web developers are found working in various types of organizations, including large  corporations  and  governments , small and medium-sized  companies , or alone as  freelancers . Some web developers work for one organization as a permanent  full-time  employee, while others may work as independent  consultants , or as contractors for an agency or at home personal us

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